Change of Seasons

Today I went to get new tires installed on my car around noon. I was greeted at the door by a sign that said “We are no longer taking any new customers today, please come back tomorrow we open at 8 am.” Just like the squirrels collecting nuts and the bears feasting before their hibernation; humans in Boulder were changing from summer tires to winter tires in order to prepare for the coming change in weather. These are the smart ones, the ones who will make it through the winter. Others get used to the beautiful weather and don’t prepare until it is too late. I took the photo below a few years ago shows what can happen if instead of preparing for the cold, you try to get that last bit of pollen.


Fall in Colorado

Fall in Colorado

What a beautiful fall we have been having. The weather has been warm and the leaves have reached their full splendor unchecked by snow or wind. This is one of my favorite times of the year and a great time to look back upon the beautiful summer and be grateful for all of the wonderful memories. Below is a tree I pass each day as I go to work. Most of the year I don’t notice it but this past weekend it turned a beautiful vibrant gold. The light didn’t quite cooperate when I had my camera in hand but you get the picture. I’m lucky to live and help people find a place to live in such a beautiful place.