I was watching TV the other night and came across a rerun of the movie “You’ve Got Mail”. In the movie, the characters played by Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, work their way through many cute and funny situations. One of the main themes in the movie shows how charming local bookstores are getting replaced by national chains.

Boulder is lucky to have The Boulder Bookstore, a local bookstore that has been doing business on the Pearl Street Mall for a very long time. One of the advantages of having a good bookstore in town are the events they hold.

Every week, The Boulder Bookstore holds book reading events. Just this past Thursday The Grammer Girl (Mingon Fogerty) appeared in person to read from her new book and I was there. She puts together one of my favorite podcasts
but that’s not the point. The point is, that every week, three to four authors come to Boulder to read from their books This just another small piece of the puzzle which makes the quality of life in Boulder so.

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