Holiday Cheer

Last night as we drove home after dark the temperature on the car thermometer read 48 degrees. Downright balmy for a mid-December evening. When we awoke this morning we found 5 inches of crunchy snow held frozen in temperatures that were hovering around 0 degrees. Quite a change from the night before.

I am really been having a hard time feeling festive lately. It doesn’t even feel like December and the news seems to keep unwrapping presents about the economy that don’t exactly bring a cheery feeling. That is until today. As my son’s were sledding I ran an errand and instead of listening to the Bronco’s game I stumbled upon an NPR program called “Tinsel Tales”. This was just what I needed to nudge me into the holiday spirit. Just like the quick change in weather that changed our landscape last night, this program, highlighting stories that point toward the true meaning of the season, changed my outlook and helped my thoughts catch up with the calendar.

Click on this link to listen, the show is 1 hour in length. Tinsel Tales – NPR

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