So far, it has been an interesting year in the Boulder area real estate market.  It feels very different than a year ago, for the better.  More activity, more showings, more calls, more plans, more positive expectations…  However, after looking at two months of data we are just a touch ahead of last year in terms of properties closed.

Here is what I think is going on.  We are busy setting the foundation for a surge that will correspond with the expiration of the homebuyer tax credit.  We are already seeing its effects but as the deadline draws near buyers will stop shopping and start buying.  This should happen by the end of March.  If you don’t recall the basics of the tax credit see my previous post on that subject.  Even if you have already filed your 2009 taxes you can do an amended return and see that money this year!

Here is a chart showing the activity in the local market on a weekly basis. You will notice that there was a surge in closings this past week.  This is fairly normal at the end of each month.


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