In my travels during the past few days I came upon the beginning stages of some large projects in the area. These projects are not unlike many others in the Boulder Valley in that in order to begin the new you must first demolish the old.



The students of Casey Middle School began attending Platt about a month ago and I hope they didn’t leave anything behind because demolition of the 86 year old school started today. Here are a few photos of the progress. I especially liked to see the sign on the original facade which has been hidden by the addition now being torn down. Actually the south and west facades are being incorporated into the new design, so the street scape won’t change all that dramatically.

The demolition of the old is making way for a modern building which I think will give a lift to the entire neighborhood. True to Boulder’s heritage it is being designed with many “green” features. The total cost of the tax payer funded project is $31 million. Here is an artists rendering of the new school.


I also noticed this weekend that demolition began on a portion of the Conoco-Phillips site. It is not noticeable from the highway yet but you can see the progress from Monarch High School. We should soon be hearing about the architect of this large project and maybe even see a site plan.
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