Boulder Real Estate Year in Review

Median Prices of Single Family Homes


This is the first in a series of posts highlighting the real estate statistics of 2007 for communities in Boulder County. I’d rather spend a little time highlighting each statistic rather than give you a huge data dump and be done with it. I hope you continue to come back to check out the new posts.


Today I’m going to present a chart that shows the median sales price of single family homes in various communities throughout Boulder County.


As a whole, the County held its own this year. Positive 2.76% is not too shabby when you hear about the 20% losses in other areas of the country. Here is how the specific towns did during the year.


Boulder +1%


Louisville +7.25%


Lafayette -3.6%


Longmont -1%


Louisville does not have enough volume to skew the overall numbers up to 2.76% alone, so it must be the unincorporated areas of Boulder County that are also doing well.


You can tell by looking at the chart below that the City of Boulder has seen the best gains over the past ten years, while the values in Longmont have lagged.


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