The talk around the water cooler is that the market is spotty. Movin' along in some areas and slow as molasses in others. However, it is hard to say what areas are hot and which are cold without some hard facts. Today I'd like to present just that, some facts about the market which compare the relative strength of some market areas. Here are the results:

Single Family Homes
Boulder 21%
Louisville 35%
Longmont 12%
Lafayette 17%
Boulder County 17%
Weld County 10%
Attached Dwellings
Boulder 26%
Louisville 11%
Longmont 9%
Lafayette 16%
Boulder County 19%
Weld County 8%


To accomplish this I compared the number of houses under contract (accepting backups, pending and first right of refusal contracts) to the total number of active listings in a particular market.
I have highlighted the top performing (green) and worst performing (red) area in each category. For single family homes, Louisville has 35% of active homes under contract. Louisville has consistently outperformed the rest of the county over the past few years. I think this has to do with a combination of no new construction and a median price below $300,000, all within 8 miles of Boulder. The slowest markets seem to be Weld County and Longmont with a 10% and 12% ratio respectively.


Attached dwellings show the City of Boulder as the hottest market while Weld County and Longmont again bring up the rear.

Market activity is picking up but it is still a competitive buyers market out there. Homes need to be priced well and show well in order to attract buyers.



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