The Boulder County real estate market is humming along.  But it seems we are running a bit lean in one cylinder.  It takes both buyers and sellers to make a market and right now buyers are out in force but sellers are still in winter hibernation mode.

If you are thinking about selling your home in 2012 there may be no better time than right NOW.  Currently in the City of Boulder 29% of all listings are under contract.  In Louisville and Lafayette nearly 40% of listed homes have already found a buyer.  These are really high numbers and not surprisingly there are multiple offers happening.  Buyers are problably wondering what the heck is happening.

Homer: “Marge I thought this was a buyers market.  Do you still think we can buy this house for a 40% discount?”

Marge: “I don’t know Homie, we have missed out on three homes already.”

Lisa: “Mom and Dad, wake up and get with the program or we will never buy a house.”

This situation doesn’t mean that the market is back.  We still have some recovering to do and one big piece of the puzzle is for sellers to show confidence in the market by listing their homes.

The video below gives a complete update of the market throughout Boulder County.

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