Over the past five years homes in Boulder County have appreciated 1.2%.  This may not seem impressive but we are in the quarter of all metropolitan areas in the United States for real estate appreciation over the past five years.  There are only 70 other communities that beat the Boulder area in terms of home price appreciation over the past five years!  The average home in the United States has lost 18.5% over the same time frame.  Homes in Las Vegas have lost 60% of their value over the past five years.  In comparison 1.2% seems really good!  Here is a picture from FHFA.gov which shows five year home appreciation for all 50 states.

FHFA.gov released its third quarter report recently and in addition to the information above, here are some interesting facts:

  • Appreciation in Boulder County for the 1 year period ending September 30, 2011 was -1.6% (again ranked 71st in the nation).
  • Appreciation during the third quarter in Boulder was 1.13%.  We had a good summer supporting stronger prices.
  • Homes in the United States on average lost 3.74% in value.
  • The top area for appreciation was Bismarck, North Dakota with 5.52%.  Call this the “fracking effect”.
  • The area that saw the biggest loss over the past year was Las Vegas (again) with -15.16%.

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